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    Geoinfo - - Programa Final

Programa Final
   Segunda-feira, 8 de dezembro
Entrega de Credenciais
Cerimônia de Abertura
S1 - Spatial Databases
Investigating the Effects of Spatial Data Redundancy in Query Performance over Geographical Data Warehouses
Thiago Siqueira, Ricardo Ciferri, Valéria Times, Cristina Ciferri

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On creating a spatial integration schema for global, context-aware applications
Steffen Volz, Daniela Nicklas, Matthias Grossmann, Matthias Wieland

S2 - Spatial Data Infrastructures
Metodologia para Representação da Estrutura de Dados Geoespacial Vetorial da Mapoteca Nacional Digital em Bancos de Dados Geográficos relacionais
Rogério Borba, Guilherme Mota, Jorge Brito

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Proposição de Infra-Estrutura de Dados Espaciais (SDI) Local, Baseada em Arquitetura Orientada por Serviços (SOA)
Pedro Oliveira, Clodoveu Davis Junior, Pedro Felipe Oliveira

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Palestra Convidada
Dr. Max Craglia
Institute for Environment and Sustainability
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission

From Today's Spatial Data Infrastructures to Tomorrow's Digital Earth(s)
In Europe we are in the middle of a 10 year programme to develop a European Spatial Data Infrastructure (INSPIRE) across 27 sovereign countries in 23 languages and 34 core data themes. This endeavor challenges to the limit current standards and technologies, and raises important issues about political, economic, and organizational sustainability. The presentation will explain where we are now in building INSPIRE, how this effort relates to other major European and global initiatives in creating an earth observing system of systems, and where current limitations needs to be addressed by a sustained research effort at the international level. Critical in this respect is the need to prepare for the next generation Digital Earth, a framework that will bring together government and policy lead initiatives with those of the private sector and voluntary, community sectors now flourishing through social networking and related developments. Can we build the present, thinking of tomorrow, with our feet on the ground?
S3 - Web
Sharing executable models through an Open Architecture based on Geospatial Web Services: a Case Study in Biodiversity Modelling
Karla Donato Fook, Silvana Amaral, Antônio Miguel V. Monteiro, Gilberto Câmara, Marco Antônio Casanova

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Discovering Location Indicators of Toponyms from News to Improve Gazetteer-Based Geo-Referencing
Cleber Gouvêa, Stanley Loh, Luís Fernando Fortes Garcia, Evandro Brasil da Fonseca, Igor Wendt

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Global Geoportal for Remote Sensing Images Centers
Vanessa Souza, Gilberto Câmara

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SIGWeb Builder: Uma Ferramenta Visual para Desenvolvimento de SIG Webs
Helder Aragão, Jorge Campos

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Geoinformatics Contributions to the Study of Cities and the Urban Phenomenon in the XXI Century: Bringing Together Spatially Aware Vulnerability Measures, Modelling, Simulation and Games

Chair: Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro, INPE
Co-Chair: Pedro Ribeiro de Andrade, INPE

Este painel no GeoInfo 2008 busca criar um espaço de diálogo entre as novas possibilidades da geoinformática na representação de dinâmicas complexas como um instrumento auxiliar na observação e compreensão da formação do urbano no século XXI. Em particular, o painel deve tratar das tecnologias e metodologias que acoplam representações computacionais do espaço geográfico com técnicas de modelagem, simulação e jogos para estudar fenômenos urbanos.

Apresentações convidadas:
  1. Spatial Segregation: Territory, Inequality and Urban Form
    Frederico Roman Ramos
    CEDEST and LSE-UK Research Associate (UrbanAge Programme, SP Office)

  2. Urban Modelling: Helping Planners to Understand the Past and Foresee the Future
    Claudia Almeida

  3. Play it! Game Playing with Geographically-aware Agents
    Tiago Garcia de Senna Carneiro
    UFOP, Chefe do TerraLAB
   Terça-feira, 9 de dezembro
S4 - Modelling
Land change modeling and institutional factors: heterogeneous rules of territory use in the Brazilian Amazonia
Paulo Fernando Pimenta, Andrea Coelho, Sergio Costa, Evaldinólia Moreira, Ana Paula Aguiar, Gilberto Câmara, Roberto Araújo, Adagenor Ribeiro

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Spatial relations across scales in land change models
Evaldinolia Moreira, Ana Paula Aguiar, Sérgio Costa, Gilberto Câmara

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Irregular Cellular Spaces: Supporting Realistic Spatial Dynamic Modeling over Geographical Databases
Tiago Carneiro, Gilberto Câmara, Raian Maretto

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Desenvolvimento de uma Plataforma Gráfica para a Descrição de Modelos de Sistemas Ambientais
Tiago França Melo de Lima, Tiago Garcia de Senna Carneiro, Sergio Donizete Faria

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Palestra convidada
Dr. Stephan Winter
Department of Geomatics
University of Melbourne

Spatial Cognitive Engineering
Spatial cognitive engineering studies the ways people perceive, memorize and communicate their environment. A cognitive perspective challenges the current way of thinking in spatial information engineering and technology. Most significantly, from a cognitive perspective space and time are intrinsically tied dimensions of being; they shape the various ways of survival in this world. The way people experience and learn space also refers to basic entities, such as 'place' and 'path', which lack definition in spatial information science and are not the fundamental entities of spatial systems. I call for formal, computational models of these experiential concepts, and will show some of them.
S5 - Web
A Progressive Vector Map Browser
José Augusto Sapienza Ramos, Cláudio Esperança, Esteban Walter Gonzalez Clua

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Um Framework para Coleta e Filtragem de Dados Geográficos Fornecidos Voluntariamente
João Carlos Tavares da Silva, Clodoveu Davis Jr.

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S6 - Applications
Detecção Automática de Rotas de Ônibus
Leone Masiero, Marco Casanova, Marcelo Carvalho

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Técnica de Fusão de Imagens para Facilitar a Detecção de Áreas Canavieiras em Incompatibilidade Ambiental
Maikon Novaes, Bernardo Rudorff

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S7 - Spatial Analysis
Spatial patterns of residential segregation: A generative model
Flávia Feitosa, Joshua Reyes, Walter Zesk

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RDengue um ambiente para o monitoramento de ovos do mosquito Aedes aegypti
Wagner Bonat, Henrique Dallazuana, Paulo Ribeiro, Antonio Miguel V. Monteiro

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Techological challengers of some real world applications

Chair: Marcelo Tilio Monteiro de Carvalho, TecGraf/PUC-Rio
The objective of this panel is point and discuss requirements and challenges of real world applications that use geo-technologies. It will be presented 3 examples of applications, with the requirements of usability and robustness of a big oil company as Petrobras.

Apresentações convidadas:
  1. Technological Challenges of Remote Sensing, Geoprocessing and Information Integration in environmental monitoring
    Cristina Maria Bentz e Alexandre Tadeu Politano
    Petrobras/CENPES/PDEDS/AMA apresentação

  2. 3D Visualization: Advances in management of installation of submarine equipments
    Marksuel Xavier Bastos

  3. A solution for data integration architecture and interoperability
    Ricardo Lomba
    Petrobras - Exploração e Produção apresentação
   Quarta-feira 10 de Dezembro
How can Geo-Technoligies help Natural Disaster Prepardeness and Mitigation?

Chair: Marcelo Tilio Monteiro de Carvalho, TecGraf/PUC-Rio
Natural disasters cause damages and fatalities that could be, if not avoided, at least minimized. Action for that include risk analysis mapping of areas and processes, simulations, training, response planning, data and information and, maybe the most important issue, a well-coordinated management. The objective of this panel is present several of aspects related do natural disasters and how geo-technologies can help to cope with them.
Apresentações convidadas:
  1. SISMADEN (SIstema de Monitoramento e Alerta de DEsastres Naturais) - An open-source platform for natural disaster mitigation
    Laercio Namikawa
    INPE apresentação

  2. Aspects of a Response Plan for Natural Disasters
    Marcio Dertoni
    Contingency Manager - Petrobras/SMS-Corp

  3. Natural Disasters: An Overview of a Diagnostic
    Moacyr Duarte
    Coordinator of GARTA/COPPE/UFRJ apresentação
S8 - Simulation
Using Serious Game Techniques to Simulate Emergency Situations
Marcelo Metello, Marco Casanova, Marcelo Carvalho

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Simulando padrões de incêndios no Parque Nacional das Emas
Rodolfo Almeida, Elbert Macau, Fernando Ramos, Helena França, Tiago Carneiro

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Sessão final da reunião de especialistas
Specialist Meeting on Spatial Data Infrastructures for the Sustanability of the Brazilian Amazon: People, Data and Models

Cerimônia de Encerramento
Preparado por Lúbia Vinhas e Marcelo Tílio Monteiro de Carvalho